Following Agspec’s 2023 Get Hooked on Axcela® promotion for our long window slug and snail bait, we’ve been visiting our lucky winners to distribute their amazing prizes.
The winners of the Quintrex 420 Busta fishing boat with a 25 horsepower Yamaha motor, trailer, registration, and safety pack, was Ivan and Pauline Hocking from Lucindale, SA
We hope you enjoy your boating adventures this summer!
Other price winders were 2nd prize, $3000 BCF voucher Kyall Wellstead, Kojonup, W.A., 3rd prize C-Dax Slugmaster spreader Grant Cother of Naracoorte, S.A.
Thanks to all our growers and distributors and everyone who participated. We hope you can all enjoy more time doing what you love and less time baiting for snails and slugs.
Stay tuned for updates for the 2024 season and promotion!
Pictured from left to right: Jonathon Lillecrapp, GM Agspec Australia, Sam Graetz, Synergy Ag Solutions, Nutrien Lucindale, Pauline and Ivan Hocking, Lucindale growers, Craig Wood, Axcela Manager Agspec Australia