Liquid Fungicide/Bactericide, used for disease control in various crops.
Cop-IT is a dark blue aqueous complex of copper and ammonia with various additives to deliver a stable liquid copper formulation. It is registered for disease control in a wide variety of vegetables, stone and pome fruits, nuts, tree crops, turf, ornamentals, broadacre and more.
Being a refined solution, it provides outstanding disease control.
Cop-IT leaves a durable, micro-thin film that is more persistent than wettable powders, strongly resisting wash off from rain and irrigation. This means fewer applications and longer lasting foliar protection.
A number of key benefits for Cop-It includes:
- Uses less metallic copper than other copper fungicides thus reduces potential for copper toxicity;
- Contains no solids, so season to season waste is eliminated;
- Fully dissolved formulation;
- Will not freeze, and if the container is kept closed, it will not evaporate;
- Ideal for both ground and aerial application, and can be applied at any time of day;
- Highly compatible with most pesticides;
- Highly rainfast; and
- No reported resistance to labelled diseases
Cop-IT® is a registered trademark of Agspec Australia Pty Ltd